NEW YORK, November 22, 1999 – Globalstar (NASDAQ:GSTRF) successfully launched an additional four low-earth-orbiting (LEO) satellites today on a Soyuz rocket, bringing the total number of Globalstar satellites now in space to 48 and completing the planned constellation. A final launch of four spare satellites will take place in January 2000 on a Delta II rocket.

“Another significant Globalstar milestone has been achieved with this launch, the tenth this year,” said Bernard L. Schwartz, Globalstar chairman and chief executive officer. “We have a full complement of 48 satellites supporting our roll-out of commercial service and are exceedingly pleased with the satellites’ health and performance.” Globalstar’s service providers already have begun limited distribution of service to selected individuals during “friendly user” trials in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, China, Korea, South Africa, and parts of Europe. When the trial or “soft launch” period is completed in these territories, full commercial service will begin, expected early in the new year.

The latest four Globalstar satellites, manufactured by prime contractor Space Systems/Loral, were launched today at 11:20 a.m. EST from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan aboard a Soyuz-Ikar launch vehicle. The satellites separated from the upper stage of the rocket at an altitude of 920 kilometers (571 miles) above the Earth. Flight engineers at Globalstar’s ground control center in San Jose, Calif., subsequently acquired telemetry from the satellites using the six Globalstar command unit gateways located in Aussaguel, France; Yeoju, South Korea; Dubbo, Australia; Bosque Allegre, Argentina; Delareyville, South Africa; and Clifton, Texas. Globalstar engineering teams will raise these satellites to their operational altitude of 1,414 kilometers (877 miles) over the next several weeks.

One more launch, scheduled for January 2000, will place four spare satellites in orbit, providing back-up for the existing 48. They will be launched from Cape Canaveral aboard a Delta II rocket.

The Globalstar system is designed to provide affordable satellite-based digital voice services to a broad range of subscribers and users. Globalstar will meet the needs of cellular users and global travelers who roam outside of cellular coverage areas, as well as residents of under-served markets who will use Globalstar’s fixed-site phones to satisfy their needs for basic telephony.

Globalstar, led by founding partner Loral Space & Communications, is a partnership of the world’s leading telecommunications service providers and equipment manufacturers, including Alenia, China Telecom (HK), DACOM, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace, Elsacom (a Finmeccanica Company), Hyundai, Qualcomm Incorporated, TE.SA.M (a France Telecom/Alcatel company), Space Systems/Loral, and Vodafone AirTouch. For more information, visit Globalstar’s web site at

Loral Space & Communications (NYSE:LOR) is the managing partner and, at 45 percent, is the largest equity owner of Globalstar. Loral is a high technology company that concentrates primarily on satellite manufacturing and satellite-based services, including broadcast transponder leasing and value-added services, domestic and international corporate data networks, global wireless telephony, broadband data transmission and content services, Internet services, and international direct-to-home satellite services.

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Contact: Mac Jeffery