BEIJING, November 21 (Xinhua) — The Communist Party of China
(CPC) Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military
Commission today sent a congratulatory telegram to the departments
and personnel participating in the successful test flight of the
country’s first spacecraft.

The telegram says it is a great pleasure to hear that a success
has been made in the nation’s first experimental flight of manned
spaceflight program.

“The CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central
Military Commission are hereby extending warm congratulations and
solicitude to all the scientific and technological personnel,
cadres, workers and officers and men participating in the related
research, construction and experiments,” according to the telegram.

The successful test flight is attributable to “your efforts in
earnestly implementing the CPC Central Committee policy of
rejuvenating the nation through technology and education as well
as a series of important instructions made by Comrade Jiang Zemin,
” it says.
It is also “the result of your ardent efforts in bringing the
spirit demonstrated by Chinese scientists in developing the
country’s first of nuclear bomb, missile and manmade satellite, in
seeking truth through scientific means, and your aspiration for
creativity and improvements.”

According to the telegram, the success marks a new step for
China’s space industry and is of great significance to boosting
the country’s high-technology development and arousing the
enthusiasm of all ethnic groups.

It calls on all those concerned to continue to work hard,
earnestly summarize experiences and do a good job in all the work
concerning the spaceflight program under the leadership of the CPC
Central Committee with Jiang Zemin at the core, while holding high
the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, so as to advance the
development of China’s space industry and make new and greater
contributions to the strengthening of the overall national
strength, national defense power and cohesion of the Chinese