The Focus of the Canadian Space Commerce Association Annual Meeting

Canada has played a key role in developing critical technologies for the space sector for more than 50 years. Today if you ask any Canadian what Canada has contributed to space, they will most certainly answer the Canadarm. This iconic piece of robotic technology has created significant brand awareness globally for Canada. However space robotic technologies are evolving and while Canada is still a key contributor, it is not the only one.

As more countries spend an increasing amount of money on space technology such as satellite development, and while Canada finds itself in a position to be a contributor, it is in an increasingly competitive business field. So what then are the technologies that Canada can lead in, now and in the future? This is a central focus to be discussed at the Canadian Space Commerce Association annual meeting being held in Toronto on March 18th at the MaRS Discovery District.

Topics to be discussed at the meeting include future robotic technologies including on-orbit servicing, satellite platforms including nanosats, hosted payloads, launch technologies, cameras, lunar and Martian rovers, national defense and much more.

How Canada funds development will also be a topic for discussion as the Canadian Space Agency will discuss their Space Technologies Development Program. Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) who are revolutionizing the launch industry, will address their disruptive technologies. We’ll also get an update on the status of Canada’s increasing military presence in space and the technologies they will be using.

The President of the Canadian Space Commerce Association said of the annual meeting “Our meeting will be looking at new technologies and business models that must be the successors to the Canadarms and Telesat constellations in order to maintain and grow Canada’s position within the space industry which is valued at over $3 billion dollars annually to Canada’s economy.”

Our speakers come from academia, government, business and include:

– Josh Dore — Canadian Space Agency, Technology Development Officer

– Frank Teti — MacDonald, Detwiller and Associates Ltd., Manager of Autonomous Robotics

– Ron Holdway — COM DEV, VP of Government Relations

– Joshua Brost — Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), Manager of Business Development

– Grant Bonin — University of Toronto Space Flight Laboratory, Program Manager

– Dr. Gordon Osinski — University of Western Ontario, NSERC/MDA/CSA Industrial Research Chair in Planetary Geology

– Steve Bochinger — Euroconsult North America, President

– Olivier Daigle — Nuvu Cameras Inc., VP Research and Development

– Wilfred So — Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Patent Agent

– Marc Fricker — Royal Military College

Registration is currently open but seating is limited and we expect this event to sell out. Early bird pricing is in effect through March 1st at the reduced rate of $150. Registration thereafter will be $200.

About The Canadian Space Commerce Association

The Canadian Space Commerce Association is a registered Canadian not-for-profit industry group that promotes and supports Canadian space sector businesses. We advance the economic, legal and political environment for space and aerospace focused companies. To that end, we have forged strong links with major organizations – government, research institutions and private industry.