Initiative to Facilitate Development of Commercial Marine Satellite
Technology Applications Launched

Ottawa, November 16, 1999 – Canada’s marine sector has received a boost
from a $2.5 million investment announced today by Mr. Mac Evans, President of
the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), on behalf of Industry Canada Minister John
Manley, for the development of commercial satellite technology applications for
the marine environment.

Eligible applications under this initiative include but are not limited to: image
communications/conferencing at sea; interactive training for ship’s crews;
navigation applications; scientific and survey data transmission; as well as
tele-medicine and tele-maintenance when offshore.

“This initiative helps Canadian industry capitalize on the market opportunities
surrounding the increasing adoption of satellite technology in the marine sector”,
said Industry Canada Minister John Manley. “Expected benefits will result in the
form of increased economic activity, exports and job creation. It will also assist in
maintaining Canada’s role as a leader in satellite technology”, he concluded.

Mr. Evans made the announcement at the Communications Research Centre
(CRC) in Ottawa. “The Marine Information Skyway will be administered by CRC
on behalf of CSA and implemented by the Canadian Centre for Marine
Communications (CCMC) through its national network of companies. The CSA
investment spans a five-year period”, declared Mr. Evans.

“Commercialization of these applications will result in a utilization of the available
bandwidth as companies recognize the implications of reliable communications on
their profitability and productivity”, said Mr. Gerry Turcotte, President of CRC.

“Newfoundland and Labrador is a world leader in marine industrial capability, and
I am extremely pleased that this initiative will be facilitated through the Canadian
Centre for Marine Communications office in our province”, said Newfoundland
and Labrador Industry, Trade and Technology Minister Sandra Kelly. “The
Marine Information Skyway initiative will undoubtedly have a significant impact
on the commercial development of marine satellite communications applications in
this province, and across the country.”

“It is anticipated that over the next 10 years, satellite communications will
comprise an increasing portion of marine sector communications. Only satellite
communications offers the high reliability, high data rates and global coverage
demanded by the world’s fleets”, declared Mr. Ronald V. Newhook, President &
CEO of CCMC. “Together, we will enhance the competitive position of the
Canadian marine information technology industry and, by supporting true
commercial developments within a global marketplace, contribute to the economic
growth of the country.”

In the coming weeks, this initiative will be actively promoted across Canada.
Concept papers accepted from industry will be reviewed by CRC and CCMC,
and CCMC will then work with industry to develop proposals with an anticipated
project commencement date of April 2000.

CSA is committed to leading the development and application of space knowledge
for the benefit of Canadians and humanity. It manages and co-ordinates all of
Canada’s space activities and promotes the Canadian space industry among
international partners.

CRC, as an institute of Industry Canada, is dedicated to research and
development (R&D) in a multidisciplinary field of communications and related
technologies. Founded on primary capabilities in radio propagation and radio
communications, CRC’s R&D has been driven over the years by the need to
provide communications and broadcast services to all Canadians, wherever they
live and work.

CCMC collaborates with the Canadian marine information technology (IT)
industry in the development of products and services that capitalize on the latest
advancements in marine communications, navigation and information technology.
It facilitates strategic partnerships between industry, research centres, academia
and government in support of the growth of the Canadian marine IT sector.

Pour plus d’information :

Contact: J. David Mitchell
Corporate Communications Officer
Canadian Centre for Marine Communications
Telephone: (709) 758-8351
Electronic Mail:

Contact: David Halayko
Project Manager
International Mobile Satcom Program
Satellite Communications
Communications Research Centre
Telephone: (613) 998-0007
Electronic Mail:

Contact: Stéphane Corbin
Manager, Public Relations and Media
Canadian Space Agency
Telephone: (450) 926-4350
Electronic Mail: