During the night of 28 February/1 March, the European Space Agency (ESA)
launched its Envisat satellite on an Ariane 5 launcher from Europe’s
spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.

Envisat, Europe’s most ambitious Earth Observation satellite, follows in
the footsteps of ESA’s successful ERS-1 and ERS-2 missions launched in the
1990s, and will improve global and regional monitoring of our planet. It
represents a major contribution by ESA to the European GMES (Global
Monitoring for Environment and Security) initiative. The satellite will
support research activities, government programmes and commercial
applications in the fields of global change, pollution and disaster

Since launch, all operations such as solar array, radar and antenna
deployment have taken place nominally, as has activation of the ten
instruments on board.

On Thursday 28 March, the first image produced by Envisat will be released
to the media and the general public.

The provisional programme for the day (see attached) includes an
introduction by J. Achache, ESA Director of Earth Observation Programmes,
an update on the status and first results of the mission, and
contributions by key European scientists discussing the potential for
exploitation of the data in their various fields of expertise.

If you wish to attend this event which will take place at ESA’s
Establishment in Italy, ESRIN (in Frascati, Rome), please return the
attached accreditation request duly completed to Franca Morgia (Fax

For further information, please contact :

ESA, Media Relations Office

Tel: +33(0)

Fax: +33(0)

Provisional Programme


ESA/ ESRIN, 28 March 2002

11:30 Introduction

Mr José Achache, Director of Earth Observation Programmes

Video “Envisat first Earth check-up data”

Update on Envisat status and operations since launch

Mr Jacques Louet, Envisat Programme Manager

Envisat data acquisition and ground segment operations

Mr Stephen Briggs, Head of the Earth Observation Applications Department

Envisat first image unveiling

Intervention by five key scientists (specialists on ASAR and MERIS) :

– Dr. R. Doerffer, GKSS Research Centre, Institute for Coastal Research,

– Prof. A. Morel, Laboratoire de Physique & Chimie Marines, France

– Prof. H. Rott, University of Innsbrück, Austria

– Prof. F. Rocca, Politecnico of Milan, Italy

– Prof. D. Wigham, University College, United Kingdom

13:30 End of the event

ESA/ESRIN, 28 March 2002

Name : ___________________	First Name : _______________________

MEDIA : ____________________________________________________________

Address :  _________________________________________________________



Tel :   _______________________	Fax : ______________________________

Mobile :   ____________________ e-mail : ___________________________

(  )will participate in the media event on 28 March in ESA/ESRIN

(  )will not participate in the media event on 28 March in ESA/ESRIN

Please fax this form back to :
Franca Morgia
Tel: +39.06.0418.0951
Fax: +39.06.9418.0952