The results consultation meeting was held with ESTEC
(European Space Research and Technology Centre) of ESA in Noordwijk, Holland,
on December 6, 2000. The first day was mainly management and science.
The remaining two days were dedicated to technical problems. The first
day participants included Mssrs. Tsuruda, Mizutani, Hayakawa, Ogawa and
I from ISAS, Mr. Matsumoto from Kyoto University, and Mssrs. M. Coradini,
P. Wenzel, R. Grard, G. Whitcomb, M. Novara and R. Bonnet from ESA. On
the second day, Mr. Mukai rushed back from the launch of the SS-520-2
in SvalRak, Norway, and another 13 subsystem chiefs from ESA joined the
meeting. It was decided that ISAS would take charge of the system design,
manufacture and employment of MMO (Mercury Magnetosphere Orbiter). The
meeting was a great beginning to a new form of international cooperation
in ESA’s cornerstone mission.