Paris, October 15, 2002 – The European Space Agency (ESA) has awarded
Alcatel Espacio, a Spanish subsidiary of Alcatel Space, as the main
contractor, and its industrial consortium, the development and turnkey
delivery of the Broadband Interactive Multimedia Communications System by
Satellite, called AMERHIS, which will be on board the Amazonas satellite
from Hispasat. The system is planned to be delivered by mid 2004. The value
of the system is 56 millions Euros of which ESA’s contribution is 28
millions Euros.

AMERHIS is the first in the worldwide communications to offer
bi-directional communications through satellite. Thanks to this, the
operator Hispasat will be able to offer more and better services to its
customers in an autonomous way like high-speed Internet, MPEG-based
services, video and radio on demand and interconnection with the different
terrestrial communication networks, controlling its capacity more

The system core, is based on a digital processor that provides a compatible
interface with the new open standard DVB-RCS (Digital Video
Broadcasting-Return Channel Satellite) for the return channel through
satellite and the DVB-S consolidated standard for down link. The use of the
standard DVB-RCS/DVB-S makes possible the supply of equipment from
different manufacturers, which results in the competitive provision of
services and equipments. The design of this advanced system has been
facilitated thanks to activities funded by the European Union within the
IST programme (IBIS Project) and will be validated by using the validation
tools developed in Alcatel Space in close cooperation with CNES since 2000.

The basic configuration of the AMERHIS system includes a network management
center responsible for the management of the resources on board, four
access gateways to provide the system access to the terrestrial network and
user terminals, all of them oriented to the commercial offering of new

This ambitious project will mark a new era in the communication satellites
thanks to the ESA initiative, well supported by the Spanish Center of the
Industrial and Technological Development (CDTI) and funded according to the
ARTES rules.

The multinational consortium leaded by Alcatel Espacio comprises Alcatel
Space from France, Mier Comunicaciones and Indra Espacio from Spain, EMS
Technologies from Canada and Nera from Norway. All of them being companies
with a long experience, recognition and technical knowledge that guarantee
the project success.

About Alcatel Espacio

Alcatel Espacio is currently working on TTC & Data Transmission, Passive
Microwave and Digital Processing on board equipment in the main world-wide
space programs, with presence in both of the Telecommunications,
Navigation, Earth Observation, Science, Space Infrastructure Missions,
where it holds the leadership as European supplier for S-Band TTC
For more information, visit Alcatel on the Internet:

About Alcatel Space

Alcatel Space ranks among the world’s leading space systems prime
contractors. Leveraging its dual expertise in civil and military
applications, Alcatel Space develops satellite technology solutions for
telecommunications, navigation, optical and radar observation, meteorology,
and scientific applications. The company is also Europe’s number one prime
contractor for Earth observation, meteorology and navigation ground
segments, as well as space systems operations. A fully-owned subsidiary of
Alcatel (100%), Alcatel Space generated 2001 revenues of 1.4 billion Euros.
For more information, please visit our website at:

About Alcatel

Alcatel designs, develops and builds innovative and competitive
communications networks, enabling carriers, service providers and
enterprises to deliver any type of content, such as voice, data and
multimedia, to any type of consumer, anywhere in the world. Relying on its
leading and comprehensive products and solutions portfolio, stretching from
end-to-end optical infrastructures, fixed and mobile networks to broadband
access, Alcatel’s customers can focus on optimizing their service offerings
and revenue streams. With sales of EURO 25 billion in 2001, Alcatel
operates in more than 130 countries.