The Canadian Space Commerce Association (CSCA), Canada’s national space industry association, and OMX, a global marketplace platform for offsets in Aerospace and Defence industries, announced a new strategic partnership today.

The partnership will see both organizations working together to cross-promote their respective activities. In addition to unlocking industrial opportunities for Canadian companies in the space industry through various projects, CSCA and OMX will co-host an offset matchmaking event geared towards leverage technology in the space industry at the CSCA’s national conference scheduled for April, 2016 in Toronto. OMX will also join the CSCA as a corporate member.

“OMX, through its Offset Market Exchange and RFP Engine provides an essential service that connects prime contractors and suppliers creating a win-win for all,” said CSCA Executive Director, Marc Boucher. “The opportunity to partner with OMX will benefit our members and industry as we work together on a variety of projects using our respective strengths. Our first project will be to host an offset matchmaking event at our national conference next April.”

“We are thrilled to be partnering with the CSCA, which is Canada’s largest Space Industry Association. The industry is truly a global driver of innovation, which has time and time again served as a catalyst to innovation and technology development in other sectors such as defence, healthcare and consumer products. We can thank small advances such as GPS, the microwave, CAT Scanners, microchips, long distance telecom and solar energy that all came from the space industry. There is an exciting future for space with the growth of the commercial market and forecasted requirements as a result of globalization. I am very enthusiastic about working with this industry because of the future I am confident that it will create.” remarked OMX Founder and President, Nicole Verkindt.

About OMX

OMX provides access to real-time data on tens of thousands of companies in the aerospace, defence and space sectors. The data is searchable by region, size, local content, certifications and capability and numerous other categorizations. OMX is a digital software platform providing a solution for the management of supplier-relationships across large and small organizations, and provides data analytics on impacts to the economy as a result of particular investments in country.

OMX increases competitiveness of aerospace, defence and space contractors through the streamlining of supply chain costs and maximizing economic benefits to Canada.

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OMX Media Contact:

Diego Ortiz
Director, Communications and Data Analytics

About the Canadian Space Commerce Association

The Canadian Space Commerce Association, Canada’s national space industry association, founded in 2007, is a registered not-for-profit organization that advances the economic, legal and political environment for space companies.

For more information about the Canadian Space Commerce Association and when our next event is, please visit our website at:

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Media Contact:

Marc Boucher
Executive Director
Tel: 519-685-6586