Telesat applauds the Government of Canada’s commitment to deliver high speed Internet broadband service to all Canadians through leveraging innovative and disruptive technologies, including Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations. Budget 2019 proposes to bridge the digital divide through the expansion of telecommunications infrastructure, including the plan to secure LEO satellite broadband capacity to deliver an affordable, reliable, ultra fast broadband experience to Canadians who do not have access to high quality Internet service today. Telesat has been providing broadcast and telecommunications services across Canada for nearly 50 years and welcomes the opportunity to play an important role in ensuring that all Canadians, no matter where they live, have access to fast, affordable and reliable broadband service.

Telesat is developing a revolutionary LEO satellite constellation that will deliver an unmatched broadband experience – affordable, high throughput, ultra-low latency, resilient, secure and with ubiquitous coverage – to disrupt the performance and economics of Internet connectivity throughout Canada and the rest of the world. Telesat’s highly advanced LEO constellation will ensure that all Canadians have access to affordable, high speed Internet service, which will stimulate economic growth, increase educational opportunities, and dramatically improve the delivery of healthcare and government services.

“Telesat LEO is the most ambitious global broadband infrastructure program ever conceived in Canada and will revolutionize how Canadians, no matter where they are located, experience and leverage the Internet,” said Dan Goldberg, Telesat’s President and CEO. “Universal access to affordable, reliable, and high speed broadband connectivity is a necessity for today’s digital economy and the prosperity of all Canadians. We applaud the government’s commitment to bridge the digital divide in Canada and its recognition of the power and promise of LEO satellite constellations to achieve this critically important objective.” 

About Telesat LEO

Telesat’s LEO constellation will leverage the company’s global, priority spectrum rights in Ka-band and patent-pending LEO architecture to transform global communications. It will offer a combination of capacity, speed, security, resiliency and affordability with ultra-low latency that is equal to, or better than, the most advanced terrestrial networks. Able to serve the entire globe, Telesat LEO will help satisfy many of the world’s most challenging communications requirements. It will bridge the digital divide with fibre-like high speed services into rural and remote communities, accelerate 5G expansion, and set new levels of performance for commercial and government broadband connectivity on land and in key maritime and aeronautical markets.

About Telesat

Telesat is a leading global satellite operator, providing reliable and secure satellite-delivered communications solutions worldwide to broadcast, telecom, corporate and government customers. Headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, with offices and facilities around the world, the company’s state-of-the-art fleet consists of 17 GEO satellites, the Canadian payload on ViaSat-1 and one Phase 1 LEO satellite which is the start of Telesat’s planned advanced global LEO satellite constellation that will offer ultra-low latency, extremely high throughput, affordable broadband services. Telesat is also a leading technical consultant providing high value expertise and support to satellite operators, insurers and other industry participants on a global basis. Privately held, Telesat’s principal shareholders are Canada’s Public Sector Pension Investment Board and Loral Space & Communications Inc. (NASDAQ: LORL).