Prisma is led by Sweden with the Swedish National Space Board as main financer in cooperation with Germany, France and Denmark. The launch of Prisma is scheduled for 2008. SSC is the prime contractor for Prisma and will also be responsible for the satellite design, guidance and navigation control system, onboard computer, onboard software, ground system, assembly, test and verification as well as operations.

– The aim with Prisma is to strengthen the Swedish space industry and its position in Europe, to give new technologies developed by Swedish companies the possibility to qualify their inventions in space and to fortify Sweden’s capability to develop affordable satellites in a relatively short time, says Christer Nilsson from the Swedish National Space Board.

– The first months of the project have been successful, now we are looking forward to the challenging and stimulating tasks we have in front of us, says SSC’s project manager Staffan Persson.

Prisma consists of two space vehicles, a Main spacecraft and a simpler Target craft that will meet in space. The Main spacecraft can manoeuvre while the role of the Target is just what is in its name. The Main craft will weigh about 140 kg and the target about 40 kg. They will be launched together as one unit and the target will separate after about two weeks in orbit when the technology demonstration commences.

For more information about Prisma and Swedish Space Corporation , see

Contact persons:

Staffan Persson, Project manager, Swedish Space Corporation
Tel: +46 8 627 62 68
Mobile: +46 70 406 66 61

Christer Nilsson, Swedish National Space Board
Tel: +46 8 627 64 96
Mobile: +46 70 580 24 05

Johan Marcopoulos, Swedish National Space Board
Tel: +46 8 627 64 88
Mobile: +46 70 640 64 88