ECAPS, an SSC Group company, is pleased to announce that the High Performance Green Propulsion (HPGP®) system included on the Terra Bella SkySat-3 satellite has been successfully commissioned on-orbit and declared fully operational.

The SkySat-3 satellite was launched aboard ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) rocket into a 500 km sun-synchronous orbit on June 22, 2016. Commissioning of the HPGP propulsion system was completed approximately 48 hours later. All initial data from the propulsion system has indicated nominal performance and the HPGP system is now being used for recurring orbit maintenance operations.

The first complete HPGP propulsion system module was delivered by ECAPS in September 2014 for integration into SkySat-3, the first of Terra Bella’s satellites to be equipped with an orbit maneuvering capability. In addition to serving as the first flight unit, that initial HPGP module was also used to validate the overall propulsion system design for implementation on subsequent SkySat satellites. Production of the many additional HPGP systems ordered by Terra Bella continues at ECAPS in an ‘assembly line’ manner, with additional deliveries occurring on a regular basis.

“Customers select ECAPS to provide flight-proven, state-of-the-art propulsion capabilities due to the many unique aspects of HPGP technology that help contribute to overall mission effectiveness”, said Mathias Persson, President of ECAPS. “We’re proud of our partnership with Terra Bella, under which ECAPS has now successfully transitioned into serial production of both the SkySat propulsion system modules and the associated 1N HPGP thrusters.”

HPGP technology provides both increased performance over monopropellant hydrazine and a more cost effective solution than a similarly-sized hydrazine propulsion system, when compared over a satellite mission’s life-cycle.


ECAPS is the market leader in satellite green propulsion technology, with flight-demonstrated solutions to provide both increased performance and lower life-cycle costs. ECAPS’ High Performance Green Propulsion (HPGP®) technology includes a family of propellants, propulsion systems and thrusters currently ranging from 0.5N to 220N. The storable Ammonium Dinitramide (ADN) based liquid monopropellant is easy to handle and transport due to its low toxicity and low sensitivity, and has received a UN/DOT 1.4S transport classification; thus allowing it to be transported on commercial passenger aircraft. For more information, visit