Peggy Wilhide

Headquarters, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/358-1898)

James E. Kennedy

The White House

(Phone: 202/456-7035)

RELEASE: 00-104

This morning’s successful launch of the Zvezda service
module from Baikonur, Kazakhstan marks an important milestone
in the development of the International Space Station. It
represents the result of intense space cooperation between
the United States and Russia as part of the sixteen nation
International Space Station consortium. It also represents
the achievement of one of the earliest objectives of the
U.S.-Russia Bi-National Commission’s Space Committee. All
Americans can take pride in this exciting accomplishment.

We still face the technical challenge of docking the
service module with the American and Russian components
currently in orbit, an event scheduled to occur within the
next two weeks. If the docking is successful, the key
components permitting human habitation of the station will be
in place. Once the International Space Station becomes fully
operational, it promises to deliver enormous benefits to
Americans in the form of increased scientific research and
development opportunities. It will also allow us to expand
the horizons of our understanding of space.

– end –