CNES’s SPOT 5 Earth observation satellite, successfully launched on Friday 3rd May 2002 at 01:31 GMT by Ariane flight 151, has been correctly positioned in its holding orbit 20 km below its final orbit.

At the Toulouse Space Centre, teams from CNES and industrial firms working on the project have begun in-orbit commissioning. They are gradually switching on the satellite bus equipment and payload instruments. The SPOT 5 satellite is currently in fine pointing mode to ensure stability when it acquires its first images, scheduled for its first week in orbit.

Initial orbital manoeuvres are scheduled for Tuesday 7th May 2002. Final manoeuvres will take place early next week to boost SPOT 5 into its definitive orbit at an altitude of 832 km and position it with respect to other members of the SPOT satellite family.

For further information, please contact the CNES press service: Eliane MoreauxÊÐ tel.: + 33 (0) Ð fax: + 33(0)

or look up the CNES website at