Posted inPress Release

Space technology R&D and Europe’s competitiveness

European space technology research and development will be a key topic at the ESA Pavilion on Friday 20 June 2003, as well as how technology harmonisation supports European industry’s competitiveness.

The European Space Technology Master Plan will be addressed and the Eureka network, a concrete example of successful pan-European cooperation in R&D, will be presented.

The ESA Pavilion is located at its usual place in outdoor exhibition area 61 between the life-size models of Ariane 1 and Ariane 5 launchers, just beside the Air and Space Museum.

The European Space Technology Master Plan

On the morning, at 10:30 am, a round table will address the European Space Technology Master Plan (ESTMP), a successful example of cooperation between ESA, its Member States, the EC and the European Space Industry. For the first time, twenty technology areas have been harmonised taking into account European technology needs, industry capacity and funding sources. The objective is to enhance the complementary role of the various partners and to improve the competitiveness of European industry.

Claudie Haignere, French Minister of Research and New Technologies, will attend. She will be welcomed by Antonio Rodota`, ESA Director General, Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA Director for Launchers and incoming ESA Director General, and Hans Kappler, ESA’s Director of Industrial Matters and Technology Programmes.

Hans Kappler will hand over to Claudie Haignere the first special edition of the ESTMP, after which she will open the round table.

The round table will be chaired by Hans Kappler, and include Luc Tytgat, EC’s head of Space Unit, Alain Gaubert, Secretary General Eurospace, Geir Hovmork, Chairman of ESA’s Industry Policy Committee and Niels Jensen, Head of ESA’s Technology Programmes Department.

Eureka and ESA: an exemplary collaboration

The European-wide Eureka network of national research institutions is an exemplary collaboration for industrial R&D which has strengthened European competition. R&D projects from all over Europe are submitted for approval, and one of the most important pre-conditions for funding is that projects pool together teams and expertise from different states. ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme has cooperated with Eureka for seven years.

Eureka will be presented in the afternoon, at 15:45 pm in the ESA Pavilion. Claudie Haignere, French Minister of Research and New Technologies, and the Belgian Minister Ylieff, Minister of Scientific Research, will attend the discussion.

Other key players include Philippe Jurgensen, Secretary General of the Interministerial Committee Eureka and CEO of Anvar, the French National Research Agency, Pierre Brisson, Head of ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme. Several industrial participants will also participate.

Posted inPress Release

Space technology R&D and Europe’s competitiveness

European space technology research and development will be a key topic at the ESA Pavilion on Friday 20 June 2003, as well as how technology harmonisation supports European industry’s competitiveness.

The European Space Technology Master Plan will be addressed and the Eureka network, a concrete example of successful pan-European cooperation in R&D, will be presented.

The ESA Pavilion is located at its usual place in outdoor exhibition area 61 between the life-size models of Ariane 1 and Ariane 5 launchers, just beside the Air and Space Museum.

The European Space Technology Master Plan

On the morning, at 10:30 am, a round table will address the European Space Technology Master Plan (ESTMP), a successful example of cooperation between ESA, its Member States, the EC and the European Space Industry. For the first time, twenty technology areas have been harmonised taking into account European technology needs, industry capacity and funding sources. The objective is to enhance the complementary role of the various partners and to improve the competitiveness of European industry.

Claudie Haignere, French Minister of Research and New Technologies, will attend. She will be welcomed by Antonio Rodota`, ESA Director General, Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA Director for Launchers and incoming ESA Director General, and Hans Kappler, ESA’s Director of Industrial Matters and Technology Programmes.

Hans Kappler will hand over to Claudie Haignere the first special edition of the ESTMP, after which she will open the round table.

The round table will be chaired by Hans Kappler, and include Luc Tytgat, EC’s head of Space Unit, Alain Gaubert, Secretary General Eurospace, Geir Hovmork, Chairman of ESA’s Industry Policy Committee and Niels Jensen, Head of ESA’s Technology Programmes Department.

Eureka and ESA: an exemplary collaboration

The European-wide Eureka network of national research institutions is an exemplary collaboration for industrial R&D which has strengthened European competition. R&D projects from all over Europe are submitted for approval, and one of the most important pre-conditions for funding is that projects pool together teams and expertise from different states. ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme has cooperated with Eureka for seven years.

Eureka will be presented in the afternoon, at 15:45 pm in the ESA Pavilion. Claudie Haignere, French Minister of Research and New Technologies, and the Belgian Minister Ylieff, Minister of Scientific Research, will attend the discussion.

Other key players include Philippe Jurgensen, Secretary General of the Interministerial Committee Eureka and CEO of Anvar, the French National Research Agency, Pierre Brisson, Head of ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme. Several industrial participants will also participate.