The final stage of the Commission’s Space
Green Paper
consultation process is set to take place in Paris on
23 and 24 June 2003. French Minister of Research and former ESA Astronaut
Claudie Haigneré will welcome Moderators from the Green Paper consultation
events, who will present their results to the space community. Also speaking
will be Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin and European Space Agency
(ESA) Director General Antonio Rodotà, as well as representatives of the
European Parliament, the EU Council Presidency and the European Economic
and Social Committee.

The Green Paper on European Space Policy was adopted by the European Commission on 21 January 2003. Its aim was to initiate a debate on the medium- and long-term future use of space for the benefit of Europe. The Green Paper process has encompassed a series of events, workshops and meetings spanning the continent and drawing contributions from hundreds of representatives of the space community. The debate has been open to anyone with an opinion, from the most powerful industrial and institutional players to the ordinary citizen.

The European Commission and ESA have sponsored joint workshops in several European capitals, focussing on specific themes and communities. Following the opening workshop in Brussels, the Madrid meeting focussed on the contribution of the industrial sector. The Berlin workshop brought the scientific community together. Participants in Rome addressed challenging institutional issues, while London and Prague featured debates on applications and the role of international co-operation, respectively. Additional events were held in Lisbon, Athens and Vienna, addressing issues of particular national importance. Hi-level bilateral consultations also took place and many organisations responded directly to the Commission. Finally, individual citizens were invited to post their views via the Internet.

By all accounts, the Green Paper process has been a major success, drawing contributions from every European institution, all of the European Union and ESA Member States and all of the major space organisations, both inside and outside of Europe, and garnering significant media attention.

The Paris conference has three specific objectives. First, it finalises the consultation process, taking stock of all of the contributions and viewpoints regarding the Green Paper’s main strategic issues. Second, it will establish areas of consensus to be set forth in a ‘White Paper’. Finally, it paves the way for the creation of an ambitious yet realistic Action Plan, a road map for space activities in Europe over the coming decades.

To register to attend the Paris Consultation Closing Conference contact:

provisional agenda is now available.

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