The next instalment in the Commission’s Space Green Paper consultation process will take place in Berlin on 7 and 8 April 2003. The debate will centre on Space Science and will include speakers representing national and international research institutes, universities and government ministries. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Dudenhausen, State Secretary of the German Mministry of Education and Research will open the programme. Panel sessions will address excellence in Space Science, the future of Space Science and Space Science within a larger European Space Policy. Former European Space Agency Director of Science, Roger Bonnet, will moderate the discussion. A provisional agenda is now available.

The Green Paper process comprises a series of seminars, workshops and hearings currently taking place throughout Europe. Its aim is to foster a wide-ranging debate among national and international organisations, the European space industry, the scientific community and the general public. An exchange that includes all of the relevant stakeholders will help to shape a comprehensive EU Space Policy, to be detailed in a White Paper later this year.

Individual contributions to the discussion can be posted via the dedicated On-line Forum.

For more information on the consultation process and how to participate in the events, contact: