The International Space Station Expedition 10 crew (ISS-10), namely, Russian
cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov and US astronaut Leroy Chiao performed an
in-flight operation for relocation of manned spacecraft Soyuz TMA-5 from the
ISS Russian Segment module Pirs docking port to module Zarya docking port,
from which on 24 October 2004 Soyuz TMA-4 undocked and returned the ISS 9
Expedition crew and the 7th visiting crew (VC-7) to the ground.

The relocation was aimed at clearing module Pirs docking port to support the
crew egresses into space, the nearest of which is scheduled on January 2005.
During preparation for the in-flight operation the crew interacting with the
Lead Operational Control Team specialists from Moscow Mission Control Center
(MCC-M) activated the spacecraft and tested its onboard systems, performed
the operation training, switched the ISS onboard systems and structural
elements to a deactivation mode, and closed window shutters and transfer
hatches between the Russian and US Segments.

The spacecraft retreat from the Station and birthing to module Zarya docking
port were manually conducted as documented under MCC-M control in the
Russian ground site and US TDRSS communication satellite coverage.
The spacecraft undocked from module Pirs at 12:29 Moscow time. Twenty one
minutes later module Zarya docking assembly got in contact with the

Upon completion of the docking, leak test and hatch opening for transfer
from the spacecraft to module Zaray the crew switched Soyuz TMA-5 spacecraft
onboard systems to the deactivation mode and proceeded to subsequent
implementation of the flight program, under which a rest following such a
critical in-flight operation was scheduled.

The spacecraft relocation operation process was managed by the Technical
Manager (Yu.P. Semenov, S.P. Korolev RSC Energia General Designer,
Academician of RAS), in-flight operation specialists, as well as
representatives of the industry organizations and enterprises participating
in implementation of this wide-ranging International program.

The in-orbit activities were observed by central mass media journalists from
MCC-M, which questions were answered by V.A. Soloviev, Fight Director, RSC
Energia Deputy General Designer. He highly appreciated the crew activities,
which allowed to save propellant usage foreseen for this in-flight