Dr. Tachikawa, the President of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), and Prof. Vetrella, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), have
signed the JAXA/ASI Joint Statement on November 16, 2004, at the
Embassy of Italy in Tokyo, for promoting the mutual cooperation
between both agencies.

JAXA has explored in discussions with ASI, through high-level meetings
in Europe and in Japan, the possibility for mutual cooperation between
both agencies. Those exchanges of views have identified mutual
interests in the cooperation in the fields of Space Science, Earth
Observation and Aeronautics, which were confirmed in this JAXA/ASI
Joint Statement expressing mutual interest for identifing the
cooperating acitivities in these fields in the years to come.

The outline of this Joint Statement is :

– To set up a joint ASI/JAXA Agency level Committee at International Relations level for defining and proposing possible areas of cooperation. Both Heads of International Departments will act as co-chair persons of the committee.

– To set up Thematic Working Group under the Joint Committee.

– To promote the exchange of scientists and researchers of both countries in the field of the space science.

– To promote collaboration efforts for Earth Observation, taking into account the Italian and Japanese involvement in the context of GEO (Group on Earth Observation) initiatives.

– To promote the exchange of information between both experts in the Aerospace and Aeronautics field.

– To promote the collaboration between the Italian and Japanese space industries.

– To promote the exchange of students and professors in the field of space in both countries.