Today, the Canadian Space Agency hosted senior representatives from 11 space agencies* from around the world for a meeting of the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) to exchange information regarding interests, plans and activities in space exploration.

During the meeting, the group discussed the status of exploration planning, how space exploration can generate benefits for life on Earth and continued work to be reflected in the next edition of the Global Exploration Roadmap. The Global Exploration Roadmap reflects the international effort to define, through continued discussion among space agencies, feasible and sustainable exploration approaches to the Moon, near-Earth asteroids, and Mars. It also takes into account innovative ideas and concepts from external stakeholders since the roadmap was first issued in September 2011. The roadmap demonstrates the importance of the International Space Station as a first step and a bridge to exploration of destinations beyond low-Earth orbit. The updated version will illustrate planned and conceptual near-term missions, which advance human and robotic exploration starting in the Earth-Moon-system. It is expected to be published in the middle of 2013.

The meeting also marked a change in the rotating chair of ISECG, with the Canadian Space Agency assuming the lead for the coming year.

ISECG is a voluntary, non-binding international coordination forum of the partner agencies who contributed to the Global Exploration Strategy. Member nations share a vision for concerted human and robotic space exploration missions focused on solar system destinations where humans may one day live and work. The partners also work together on strengthening both individual exploration programs and collective efforts.

* In alphabetical order: ASI (Italy), CNES (France), CNSA (China), CSA (Canada), DLR (Germany), ESA (European Space Agency), JAXA (Japan), KARI (Republic of Korea), NASA (United States of America), Roscosmos (Russia) and UKSA (United Kingdom).