WASHINGTON– U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, made the following comments today after NASA announced it had selected the design of the new Space Launch System:

“I am pleased that NASA is moving forward with plans that seem to affirm our goal keeping the United States at the forefront of the human exploration of space. Administrator Bolden visited with me in my office in July and indicated that there has been much negotiation throughout this process. The announcement of the design of the Space Launch System’s 130 metric-ton rocket is a step in the right direction in returning this country and Marshall Space Flight Center to its position of rocket propulsion dominance. NASA must continue to strive for the 130 metric-ton goal specified in law passed by Congress. And, I will continue to strongly encourage NASA to complete the Space Launch System and the 130 metric-ton rocket. This announcement should relieve some of the uncertainty that presently exists within the NASA and contractor community. While we all know that efficiency will be demanded in every program, this announcement gives us a real opportunity to maintain America’s leadership in space. For that, I am grateful.”