RSCC (Russian Satellite Communications Company) has confirmed to Eutelsat Communications (NYSE Euronext Paris: ETL) that all manoeuvres to deploy the Express
AT1 and Express AT2 satellites are progressing according to plan following their dual launch on Sunday March 16 by a Proton M rocket.
Express AT1 and AT2, owned and operated by RSCC, are high power Ku-band satellites
designed to support expansion of digital services in the Russian Federation, omplementing
coverage of the European part of Russia provided by the EUTELSAT 36A and B satellites located at 36 degrees East. Express AT1 will replace an existing satellite at 56 degrees East to bring fresh and expanded broadcasting resources over Siberia. Express AT2 will be located at 140 degrees East to deliver satellite broadcasting services to homes in Far East Russia.

Following agreements with RSCC, Eutelsat has contracted 15-year leases for transponders
across Express AT1 and AT2 that will principally serve the Tricolor TV and NTV Plus TV

Express AT1 will be commissioned following completion of in-orbit tests in April. Commercial operation of Express AT2 will start in May.