At 01:23:49 Moscow Daylight Saving Time (21:23:49 GMT on
June 5, 2002) Space Shuttle Endeavour lifted off from a
launch pad of the Kennedy Space Center.

The main objective of the mission is to deliver the Expedition
Five crew (ISS-5) to the International Space Station (ISS),
replacing the Expedition Four crew (ISS-4) and returning
it back to Earth. The Orbiter is also to deliver to the
Space Station the hardware for outfitting the US segment,
including additional scientific experiment racks, hardware
and supplies carried inside the Italian logistics module
Leonardo stowed in the Orbiter cargo bay.

The mission is designated as UF-2 under the ISS deployment
program (STS-111 per NASA classification).

ISS-5 crew consists of Russian cosmonauts Valery Korzun
(the crew Commander, Instructor/Test Cosmonaut, Gagarin
Cosmonaut Training Center), Sergei Treschev (Flight Engineer
1, Test Cosmonaut, S.P.Korolev RSC Energia) and US astronaut
Peggy Whitson (Flight Engineer 2, NASA).

The Ende1