640x321 (45 158 bytes)
470x640 (55 104 bytes)

Rocket R-7 “Vostok” erected
on the RSC Energia premises
640x452 (64 573 bytes)
The Soviet leader N.S.Khruschev
and the first cosmonaut
of planet Earth are satisfied
with the results of the mission
and achievements
of the Soviet scientists,
workers and engineers
April 12, 1961.
The first manned space mission is accomplished.
Yu.A.Gagarin accepts
congratulations from
Chief Designer S.P.Korolev, the founder of the practical space science
April of 1961
640x380 (54 008 bytes)
499x640 (68 872 bytes)

Yu.A.Gagarin and N.S.Khruschev
greet Muscovites in the Red Square
on April 14, 1961
The first envoy of planet Earth to space, who ushered in a new age
in the history of modern civilization, is standing on the podium
of Lenin’s Mausoleum
640x429 (56 793 bytes)
Yu.A.Gagarin, major of
USSR Air Force, reports to the country’s
leadership about successful
completion of the space mission

April 14, 1961
Chief Designer S.P.Korolev
and the first cosmonaut of planet Earth Yu.A.Gagarin
The pioneers of the Space Age in the history of mankind.
640x485 (107 208 bytes)
640x450 (46 652 bytes)
Yuri and Valentina Gagarins
with their daughter Galia
Brief moments of family happiness.
Yuri Gagarin and test
managers representing the industry and Ministry of Defense at the
Baikonur launching facility
1966. Yu.A.Gagarin as a head of a team of cosmonauts in training
for Soyuz mission
640x367 (44 713 bytes)
640x589 (82 108 bytes)
640x451 (63 334 bytes)
Baikonur launch site.
Preparation for the joint mission
of Soyuz-1 and Soyuz-2 spacecraft
1967. Yu.A.Gagarin was a back-up
of V.M.Komarov for the forthcoming
mission. Yuri dreamed of a new space
mission and continued to actively train
for the mission.
Reunion with daughters

Galia and Lena
1965. Star City.
Here it is – the true Earth’s attraction.
The twin space flight
V.F. Bykovsky and the first woman in space V.V. Tereshkova.
S.P. Korolev and Yu.A. Gagarin
are satisfied with the mission’s results
June of 1963. Continuous human presence and work in space unveil
the mysteries of the Universe, open up its rich resources and will
assure a happy future for our planet.