After the completion of the docking of Progress M-44 logistics vehicle
with the international space station, the Blue Room of the Mission Control
Center – Moscow (MCC-M) became the venue for an earnest discussion between
Rosaviacosmos Director General Yu.N.Koptev, RSC Energia Designer General
and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.P. Semenov, Director
of Central Research Institute for Machine-Building (TsNIIMash) and member
of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.A.Anfimov and invited to MCC-M
Deputies of State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly, cosmonauts,
journalists and specialist of the industry.

They addressed the subjects
of the present and the future of the Russian space science, participation
of foreign companies and countries in the implementation of the Mir
space station program, the responsibility for a civilized termination
of this program. The discussion touched upon the issues of meeting Russia’s
commitments under the ISS project. Also discussed were the issues of
the Russian Federation space activities laws, financing, appropriation
of funds for implementation of domestic projects in the fields of manned
spaceflight, space communications and navigation. The focus of attention
were political, economic, ethical and other problems associated with
the termination of the Mir space station operation, taking into account
the practicability of addressing the series of tasks before the Russian
space science.