Evry, France – Having considered the conclusions of the Review Board set up to advise on the launch of Rosetta, Arianespace and the European Space Agency have decided on a postponement.


The Review Board called for Arianespace and all its partners to make sure, in the framework of a program for the resumption of Ariane 5 flights, that all Ariane 5 system qualification and review processes have been checked.

Arianespace and the European Space Agency, together with all interested parties, are now going to consult each other in order to determine arrangements for the soonest possible launch of Rosetta.

About Arianespace

Arianespace is the commercial launch services leader, holding more than 50 percent of the international market for satellites launched to geostationary transfer orbit (GTO).  Created in 1980 as the world’s first commercial space transportation company, Arianespace has signed contracts for the launch of more than 250 satellite payloads.  For further information, see the Arianespace Web site at www.arianespace.com.