At a brief function organised this afternoon (May 31, 2002) in
Bangalore, Dr K Kasturirangan, Chairman, Indian Space Research
Organisation, released a book “Concepts in Space Science”, edited by
Prof R R Daniel. Dr H Narasimhaiah, President, National Education
Society, presided over the book release function.

The publication of the book was supported by ISRO as part of its
effort to popularize Space Science, especially, among the student
community. The book is targeted at students of 11th and 12th standard
and undergraduate level. The articles for the book have been
contributed by eminent scientists both in India and abroad. The book
has been written in a simple language and style. It is a unique book
that covers a variety of topics. It starts with the chapter `Space —
The Exciting Scientific Frontier’ authored by Prof R R Daniel and Dr B
V Sreekantan. The other topics bring out the stunning discoveries made
in space sciences, especially, in the last century, and the
opportunities and challenges it holds for the future. It conveys to
the readers the excitement of conducting scientific research in space
environment in varied disciplines like earth observation, solar
systems, stars and galaxies, material science, human physiology in
micro-gravity, astro-bilology and extra-terrestrial life. Each one of
the topics is dealt with in such a way as to kindle the interest of
the readers. The book also has several illustrations including colour

The editor, Prof R R Daniel is a physicist having researched in cosmic
rays and high energy astronomy. He did his research at the Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research and, later, he was the Scientific
Secretary of International Council of Scientific Union (ICSU)
Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries. He was
the first Chairman of the ISRO’s Advisory Committee on Space Science
and a member of the international Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)
Bureau. He was also the first Chairman of the National Committee for
the International Geosphere, Biosphere Programme (IGBP). He was
conferred Padma Bhushan in 1992 by the Government of India.

The book `Concepts in Space Science’ has been published by the
Universities Press and distributed by the Orient Longman Private