Planetary Science Institute Research Scientist Ryan Watkins has been named a member of the Science Advisory Board for the Blue Origin lunar transportation service, Blue Moon.


“My role has been to provide feedback regarding the Blue Moon lander design and landing site selection. The Board members provide feedback on their subsystem designs and payload capabilities,” Watkins said. “My expertise has mainly been on landing site selection and some general feedback related to plume effects during landing – but at this stage we are all providing any kind of input we can regarding what we think is feasible and reasonable for their design concepts, from a science perspective.”


Science Advisory Board members are consultants to Blue Origin, not full-time employees.


Blue Origin’s Blue Moon project is a scalable lunar transportation service that is designed to be able to land anywhere on the surface of the Moon. For more information on Blue Moon, visit


“It is an honor for me to be selected to serve on the Board, especially since I am serving alongside several prominent lunar and planetary scientists, including the only geologist who has walked on the Moon, Harrison “Jack” Schmitt, who flew on Apollo 17. I am acting as an early career representative and feel that it is imperative that Blue Origin and other spacefaring entities continue to keep the next generation involved with the future of lunar exploration,” Watkins said. “The early career generation not only has a passion and vision for lunar science and exploration, but we are the future workforce for NASA, academia, and industry. As such, I am honored that Blue Origin values my input and expertise as they move forward in their plans to return the U.S. to the lunar surface.”


Blue Origin’s announcement took place May 9 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.