Preparations are continuing at the Baikonur launch site for the launch of Progress M-61 logistics spacecraft, which is currently scheduled for launch on August 2, 2007.

Earlier, the launch of the spacecraft was moved from August 6 to July 23 to accommodate a prompt delivery of replacement computers to ISS.

Testing and isolation of faults that on June 11-12, 2007, caused glitches in the on-board computers on the Russian Segment of the International Space Station, and the follow-up detailed analysis revealed the need to deliver to ISS some additional hardware. The hardware is intended for restoring the normal operation of the computers and precluding interfacing systems from affecting their operation. Since some additional time was required for its development, manufacturing and testing, including tests in the integrated simulator of the Service Module Zvezda at the RSC Energia plant, S.P. Korolev RSC Energia managers and engineers suggested a new date for the launch.

Moving the launch of the logistics spacecraft to this date will also allow to meet earlier commitments with respect to the Japanese space agency to deliver to the space station the equipment needed to perform work under the Japanese program of space experiments.

Today, after having passed a cycle of electrical tests on the on-board systems, Progress M-61 is now under testing in the vacuum chamber.

For information:

On the night of June 11 to 12, 2007, it was detected on board the ISS Russian Segment that the channel availability of the central and terminal on-board computers was removed, and beginning on June 12, the loss of secondary power for the channels of these computers was observed. The computers were brought back on line in a temporary configuration using the hardware available on board.