On Friday 14.9.2001 Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin will meet with Mr. Dundakow, Minister for Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation to discuss next steps in the EU – Russia research co-operation. The meeting is also to be seen against the background of the forthcoming summit meeting between President Prodi and President Putin, where issues related to research and technology will play an important role.

Following their meeting both delegations will meet the press on 14.9.2001 starting at 12.30 hrs at the Breydel Building 46, Av. d’Auderghem, 1040 Brussels, Salon, 16th floor

Looking forward to the meeting with Minister Dondukow Commissioner Busquin said : ´ EU – Russian research co-operation being now solidly based on a formal agreement, which entered into force earlier this year, I expect rapid progress to be made towards filling the agreement with life, i.e. to define and launch concrete co-operative projects as soon as possible. Our aim should be to draw up a genuine action plan, identifying projects and initiatives in areas where co-operation is promising and feasible. ª.

Russian researchers are expected to be among the beneficiaries of new arrangements under the future Framework Programme for research. These arrangements, proposed by the Commission and currently under discussion in Council and Parliament, foresee that researchers from countries such as Russia may become partners in networks of excellence or be involved in integrated projects – including their eligibility for financial support from the EU budget. Energy, nanotechnologies, biotechnology or space – and more generally all areas of basic research – are commonly considered to be particularly promising areas for future research co-operation between teams from EU Member States and Russian laboratories.

Allowing Russian researchers to become involved in the new Framework Programme is meant to underline the role a country like Russia with its huge scientific potential should be able to play in the perspective of the European Research Area, to which all the main actors are now firmly committed.


Miss Sandra Volante
European Commission