Last week the European ministers responsible for space affairs, meeting in
Edinburgh, endorsed the next stages in a series of ongoing programmes and
committed to new initiatives that will keep Europe at the forefront of
space science and technology, Earth monitoring from space,
telecommunications, satellite navigation, launchers, human spaceflight and
planetary exploration.

To take stock of the outcome of this Ministerial Council meeting, the
Director General, Antonio Rodotý, invites you to a press breakfast on
Friday 23 November at ESA Head Office, 8/10 Mario Nikis – 75015-PARIS from
08:30 to 10:00.

Please fill in the attached reply form for accreditation.

For futher information, please contact :

ESA Communications Department

Media Relations Office

Tel: +33(0)

Fax :+33(0)

Post Ministerial Council press breakfast

Friday 23 November 2001 – 08:30 – 10:00

ESA HQ – 8/10, rue Mario Nikis – 75015-PARIS

Surname : __________________ First Name : _____________________________

Media : _______________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________



Tel:   ___________________________ Fax : ______________________________

Mobile : _________________________ e-mail : ___________________________

[ ]  will attend the press breakfast

[ ] will not attend

Please fax this form back to :
ESA Communications Department
Media Relations Office
Tel : +33(0)
Fax : +33(0)