This afternoon President of Republic of Belarus A.G.Lukashenko visited
S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, the prime Russian
company that designs, manufactures, tests space hardware and operates
space flights.

The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the major areas
of the Corporation activities which is known throughout the world as
one of the leaders in rocket and space industry, and determine areas
of mutual cooperation between RSC Energia and companies in Respublic
of Belarus.

The President of Republic of Belarus and his party were received by
the President of S.P.Korolev RSC Energia, Designer General, Member of
the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.P.Semenov, Rosaviacosmos Director
General Yu.N.Koptev, Secretary of State of the Union of Russia and Belarus
P.P.Borodin, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Moscow Region
V.Yu.Golubev, the Mayor of Korolev A.F.Morozenko and other officials.

In the course of the meeting Yu.P.Semenov presented to the President
of the Republic of Belarus and his party the history of the company
and the work currently conducted by the Corporation together with other
companies in the industry. He noted that RSC Energia has for many years
been cooperating with a number of companies and organizations in the
Respublic to develop space equipment, such as Transistor plant, V.I.
Kozlov Electrotechnical Plant in Minsk and other, however, the current
scope of work lag behind the aspirations of our states for integration.

The President of the Republic of Belarus A.G.Lukashenko and his party
visited the Corporation’s check-out facility, where integrated tests
of manned and logistics spacecraft, space station modules, upper stages,
and Yamal communications satellites are performed, examined with great
interest specimens of space hardware developed by the Corporation; an
exhibit of consumer goods manufactured by the company; visited the shop
where prosthetic appliances are serially produced, laid flowers at the
monument to the pioneer of the Russian applied space science and the
founder of the company S.P.Korolev in the memorial square of RSC Energia.

After laying the flowers, in the memorial square, the President of the
Republic of Belarus A.G.Lukashenko answered numerous questions from
Russian, Byelorussian and foreign information agencies and TV companies.
The themes of the questions covered a wide range of problems both in
the area of cooperation in space and rocket and space technology, and
in the area of international politics in connection with the jubilee
summit of CIS countries currently held in Moscow.

After that, in the office of the RSC Energia President, there was a
discussion of potential areas for cooperation between the Corporation
and the companies in the Republic of Belarus.

Singled out among these areas were: development and use of telecommunications
satellite systems based on multi-purpose space platform Yamal; a program
of space experiments and studies on-board the International Space Station;
development and use of automatic stations for radiation environmental
monitoring; manufacturing of prosthetic appliances, training of specialists
and providing prosthetics to disabled people; joint manufacture of state-of-the-art
consumer electronics products.

The President of the Republic of Belarus A.G.Lukashenko suggested establishing
a joint working group of Russian and Byelorussian specialists for preparing
a program of cooperation between companies and organization of Belarus
and RSC Energia in the area of science-intensive technologies, and he
issued instructions to that effect.

Wrapping up his visit to the Corporation, the President of the Respublic
of Belarus A.G.Lukashenko wished the employees of the company further
successes in the implementation of the program of work to develop and
use rocket and space technology and manufacture socially important products,
expressing a hope for strengthening and developing a fruitful cooperation
between industrial companies and scientific organizations in Russia
and Belarus.

The visit lasted three hours.