Office of Science and Technology Policy
Executive Office of the President
New Executive Office Building
Washington, DC 20502

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kristin Scuderi
December 20, 2006 (202) 456-6124

WASHINGTON—Today, President Bush signed an Executive Order (EO) establishing the nation’s first Aeronautics Research and Development Policy. The EO was accompanied by release of a supporting Policy document developed by the Aeronautics Science and Technology (S&T) Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The overarching goal of the Policy is to advance U.S. technological leadership in aeronautics by fostering a vibrant and dynamic aeronautics research and development (R&D) community that includes government, industry, and academia.

The National Aeronautics Research and Development Policy defines the principles upon which Federal Government aeronautics R&D will be based and the policy goal, objectives and general guidelines that will drive Federal Government aeronautics R&D activities through 2020. It describes the roles and responsibilities of the involved executive departments and agencies in each of four primary areas of aeronautics R&D: (1) stable and long-term foundational research; (2) advanced aircraft systems development; (3) air transportation management systems; and (4) national research, development, test and evaluation infrastructure.

The Policy also calls for the development of a national aeronautics R&D plan that will set R&D priorities and objectives, and produce roadmaps to achieve the identified objectives with timelines. The NSTC Aeronautics S&T Subcommittee will develop this plan in 2007. In addition to the R&D plan, an accompanying infrastructure plan will identify critical U.S. research, development, test, and evaluation assets and define an approach for constructing, maintaining, modifying, or terminating these assets based on the needs of the broad user community.

For more information: Executive Order National Aeronautics R&D Policy Fact Sheet

About National Science & Technology Council The NSTC, a cabinet level council, is the principal means by which the federal government coordinates science and technology policies across the Federal Government. An important objective of the NSTC is the establishment of clear national goals for Federal science and technology investments in areas ranging from information technologies and health research to improving transportation systems and strengthening fundamental research. This council prepares research and development strategies that are coordinated across Federal agencies to form an investment package that is aimed at accomplishing national goals.