The President and Prime Minister have sent congratulatory messages to ISRO onthe successful launch of METSAT by PSLV-C4 on September 12, 2002 from SatishDhawan Space Centre, SHAR.

The President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, in his message addressed to Dr K Kasturirangn says “May I congratulate you on the successful launch of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C4) carrying the METSAT from the Satish Dhawan Space Center, SHAR. The Successful launch once again demonstrates the capabilities of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to undertake difficult and complex satellite missions. My congratulations once again to you and your hardworking team of scientists/engineers, technicians and partners in different fields.”

The Prime Minister’s message sent from New York on September 12, 2002 reads as follows: “I am extremely delighted to learn that our space programme has crossed yet another significant milestone by launching an exclusive Meteorological Satellite, METSAT, using our own launch vehicle, PSLV, from Satish Dhawan Space Center-SHAR, this afternoon. Today’s event demonstrates the versatility which our space programme has achieved and reaffirms our commitment to use space technology as a vehicle for development. I am sure that METSAT will help us in improving our weather forecasting skills, which is invaluable for planning economic activities in a number of areas. I congratulate the team of scientists/engineers and all others who have contributed to the mission and wish them success in further endeavours towards developing satellite technology and applications.”