Space Systems Loral (SSL), a leading provider of commercial satellites, today announced that a high-power satellite designed and built for Intelsat S.A. (NYSE: I), operator of the world’s first Globalized Network, powered by its leading satellite backbone, was launched yesterday and is successfully performing post-launch maneuvers according to plan. The satellite, Intelsat 31, deployed its solar arrays on schedule following its launch aboard a Proton Breeze M vehicle provided by International Launch Services (ILS). It will begin firing its main thruster tomorrow in order to propel it toward its final geostationary orbit. The satellite will be used for broadcast services in Latin America.

“We continue to build on our unmatched track record of providing satellites for Intelsat and its industry leading customers,” said John Celli, president of SSL. “We look forward to Intelsat 31 coming into service and providing additional redundancy and reliability across the region.”

Intelsat 31 is an advanced 20-kilowatt class satellite that has both Ku- and C-band capabilities. The satellite is currently travelling to its final orbit at 95 degrees West longitude, where it will be co-located with Intelsat 30 and will provide augmented capacity and redundancy for unparalleled reliability.

The Ku-band payload, identified as DLA-2, will reinforce DIRECTV’s Direct-to-Home (DTH) television service in Latin America and provide increased distribution service reliability in the region. The C-band payload enhances Intelsat’s existing C-band service infrastructure serving Latin America.

“SSL has once again performed to our high expectations as they executed the Intelsat 31 manufacturing program,” said Thierry Guillemin, EVP and Chief Technology Officer of Intelsat. “Intelsat 31 will further strengthen our strong video distribution neighborhoods in Latin America and provide increased resiliency for our long-standing customer, DIRECTV Latin America, reaching their goal to provide their subscribers with the most reliable and highest quality programming.”

Intelsat 31 is based on the powerful SSL 1300 platform, which has a long history of reliability and the flexibility to support innovation and evolving technologies. It marks the 104th satellite that SSL has delivered based on this highly successful platform. The satellite is designed to provide service for 15 years or longer. With this launch, there are 81 SSL-built GEO satellites currently on orbit.

About Intelsat S.A.

Intelsat S.A. (NYSE: I) operates the world’s first Globalized Network, delivering high-quality, cost-effective video and broadband services anywhere in the world. Intelsat’s Globalized Network combines the world’s largest satellite backbone with terrestrial infrastructure, managed services and an open, interoperable architecture to enable customers to drive revenue and reach through a new generation of network services. Thousands of organizations serving billions of people worldwide rely on Intelsat to provide ubiquitous broadband connectivity, multi-format video broadcasting, secure satellite communications and seamless mobility services. The end result is an entirely new world, one that allows us to envision the impossible, connect without boundaries and transform the ways in which we live. For more information, visit

About SSL

SSL, a subsidiary of MDA, is a leading provider of commercial satellites with broad expertise to support satellite operators and innovative space related missions. The company designs and manufactures spacecraft for services such as direct-to-home television, video content distribution, broadband internet, mobile communications, and Earth observation. As a Silicon Valley innovator for more than 50 years, SSL’s advanced product line also includes state-of-the-art small satellites, and sophisticated robotics and automation solutions for remote operations. For more information, visit

About MDA

MDA is a global communications and information company providing operational solutions to commercial and government organizations worldwide.

MDA’s business is focused on markets and customers with strong repeat business potential, primarily in the Communications sector and the Surveillance and Intelligence sector. In addition, the Company conducts a significant amount of advanced technology development.

MDA’s established global customer base is served by more than 4,800 employees operating from 11 locations in the United States, Canada, and internationally.

MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.’s (MDA) common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “MDA.”

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