Dr. Scott Pace, Executive Secretary of the National Space Council, today accepted the Space Foundation’s Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award at the 35th Space Symposium on behalf of Vice President Mike Pence, chairman of the National Space Council. Executive Secretary Pace provided the remarks below upon acceptance of the Morrow Award.

Executive Secretary Pace: “On behalf of Vice President Pence, chairman of the National Space Council, thank you to the Space Foundation for the 2019 Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award. It’s truly humbling to be here tonight and to accept this honor on the Vice President’s behalf.

“As many of you have heard me say before, there’s nothing more terrifying than a boss who cares about what you do. And as you can tell, President Trump and Vice President Pence truly care about and are deeply dedicated to advancing American leadership in space. That’s what we aim to do at the National Space Council. I’d like to thank our Users’ Advisory Group for working with us to advance that cause, and I’d like to thank all of you here tonight for the work you do to keep America on the cutting edge in all aspects of space.

“The Morrow Award stands for an important concept: heightening the public awareness and understanding of space programs and technology. The President, by reinvigorating the National Space Council, and the Vice President, through his determined leadership, have taken strides in elevating space policy on the national stage. I thank them both for their leadership.

“Congratulations to the Space Foundation on its 35th Space Symposium and on bringing together thousands of the world’s top space leaders to facilitate important conversations among the global space community. Thank you again for this great award, and thank you for having me here tonight.”