
As a part of the Canadian contribution towards the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project, staff at NRC Herzberg in collaboration with various academic and industry partners are development the Narrow Field InfraRed Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS). NFIRAOS represents a key element within the TMT optical system. In essence, NFIRAOS removes the blurring effect inherent to light passing through a dynamic medium such as our atmosphere. The value NFIRAOS brings to the TMT project is in its ability to produce images as would be taken by telescopes in space where seeing is unencumbered by the atmosphere, yet maintain all the accessibility advantages presented by having an observatory on the ground. Once this light is “corrected” NFIRAOS will interface with the InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), a client instrument.

The Government of Canada’s (GoC) National Research Council (NRC) Herzberg Astronomy Technology Programs (referred to as NRC Herzberg) is currently involved in pre-construction design and development of the Adaptive Optics (AO) system for the TMT project. TMT will be located on the Big Island of Hawaii atop Mauna Kea where it will join many of the worlds’ premier Observatories. For more information about the TMT project please refer to


The National Research Council of Canada(NRC) requires research and development services for engineering and design in support of the Near Field Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS) subsystems indicated below:

NSEN Wavefront Sensor and Acquisition Camera – including camera, wavefront sensor, optics, motion stages, support structure, enclosure, data acquisition and communication software infterface.

The requirement is subject to the provisions of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT).

The requirement is subject to a preference for Canadian goods and/or services.

The National Research Council has determined that any intellectual property rights arising from the performance of the Work under the resulting contract will belong to Canada, on the following grounds: The main purpose of the contract, or of the deliverables contracted for, is to deliver a component or subsystem that will be incorporated into a complete system at a later date, as a prerequisite to the planned transfer of the complete system to the private sector, through licensing or assignment of ownership, for purposes of commercial exploitation.

Due to the highly technical nature of the design documents, they are only available in English.

The documents will be available on written request (email ) to the Contracting Authority specified herein, including submission of the completed Annex D Non-disclosure agreement.

This office of Public Works and Government Services Canada serves the public in English.

Delivery Date: Above-mentioned

The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement.

Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.

Sole, Mike
Telephone No. – (250) 363-8444
Fax No. – (250) 363-3344
Email –

– Government of Canada Buy and Sell Tender.