NASA Direct, Kennedy Space Center’s Internet broadcasting network, is
featuring a prelaunch webcast of the New Horizons mission. Launch is
set for 1:24 p.m. EST Tuesday, Jan. 17 aboard an Atlas V rocket from
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. Online launch and mission
coverage can be viewed through the NASA Web portal at:

Web coverage begins with a prelaunch webcast offering an overview of
the New Horizons mission at 3:30 p.m. EST Sunday, Jan. 15. The
program includes informative interviews with NASA’s launch manager,
as well as scientists and engineers from the Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland and the University of
Colorado. Experts also will take part in a question-and-answer
session discussing the goals of the missions, as well as science and
technology involved in New Horizons.

On launch day, live coverage from the Virtual Launch Control Center
starts at 11 a.m. EST Jan. 17, offering continuous updates throughout
the launch countdown.

New Horizons Prelaunch Webcast Participants

* Kennedy Space Center Director Jim Kennedy opens the webcast with an
introduction to the New Horizons mission.

* Launch Weather Officer Joel Tumbiolo offers a forecast for the
latest weather conditions on launch day.

* Omar Baez, NASA launch manager, shares details about the Atlas V
rocket preparations and provides a launch countdown overview.

* New Horizons Mission Project Manager Glen Fountain describes the
challenges of designing and developing the New Horizons spacecraft.

* Fran Bagenal, co-investigator, discusses the science of the New
Horizons mission and the importance of knowing more about Pluto and
the Kuiper Belt.

* Mission Systems Engineer David Kusnierkiewicz answers questions
about the New Horizons spacecraft and describes its payload of
specially designed science instruments.

* Project Scientist Hal Weaver answers questions regarding the science
and technical aspects of the New Horizons mission.

* Tiffany Nail, KSC’s launch services specialist, hosts the program.

New Horizons Web Coverage Schedule
(All times are subject to change)

Webcast: Sunday, Jan. 15, at 3:30 p.m. EST

NASA Direct webcast from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station: “Mission,
Spacecraft, Science and Technology Webcast” at:

The NASA Direct question board closes at 11 a.m. EST Friday, Jan. 13.
Program guests will answer selected questions submitted by the
public. The questions can be viewed online at:

Launch Day Coverage: Tuesday, Jan. 17, starting at 11 a.m. EST
Live countdown coverage from the Virtual Launch Control Center can be
found at: