Nüvü Cam?ras is proud to introduce its exclusive multiple regions of interest (mROI) feature, a cutting-edge functionality for applications requiring both high-speed and low-light sensitivity. Available for the first time in EMCCD cameras, the mROI offer revolutionary adaptiveness of the sensor’s imaging area to better capture scattered dynamic events.

The mROI represents a powerful tool for the biomedical community, always seeking for increased sensitivity and greater acquisition speeds. In this respect, professor Michel Bouvier of the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer stated: “the mROI will be a promising feature for bioluminescence resonance energy transfer [BRET] imaging.”

Now available with all of Nüvü™’s products, the mROI feature allows the selection of specific areas of the detector performing acquisitions according to the activity across the field of view. The result is faster acquisitions as only the pixels of interest are read. Furthermore, users can position up to nine fully customizable ROIs on the detector all at once. Better, this new feature maintains Nüvü Cam?ras’ unparallelled sub-electron noise and supports simple photon-counting imaging at faster frame rates for ultimate sensitivity.

Moreover, Dr François Rigaut and his team at the Australian National University have tested Nüvü Cam?ras’ latest innovation on the field. They are developing the new generation multi-star adaptive optics system for the Gemini-South telescope in Chile. The instrument will acquire several hundred frames per second on selected regions of the detector to counter in real-time the deformations created by atmospheric turbulences, which hinder astronomical imaging from Earth. With this system, the Gemini-South telescope will exceed the Hubble Space Telescope in precision, and Nüvü™’s mROI complies with every requirement of this ambitious project.

Integrated into the revamped NüPixel software, the mROI feature presents as a user-friendly click-and-drag tool to set the regions of interest. For users working with their own control software, Nüvü also supports the mROI in its software development kit with all products.

About Nüvü Came?ras

Founded and headquartered in Montreal since 2010, Nüvü Came?ras is a world leader in the field of ultra-sensitive EMCCD products. The company designs, manufactures and commercializes cameras for markets such as astronomy and biomedical sciences. Nüvü™ is always integrating the latest innovations into its products, thus opening the doors of the medical market; its technology is also currently being tapped to become the eye of future space missions.

355 Peel St, suite 603
Montreal QC H3C 2G9
