Providing news, research results, and links, the new ‘Aeronautics Research’ website aims to keep readers informed of ongoing developments in European-Aeronautics under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).

As part of the European Union’s ongoing mission to promote greater transparency, the new ‘Aeronautics Research’ website provides news and information, demonstrating to European citizens how they benefit from aeronautics-related research. It also keeps researchers up to date on the latest developments in their fields and helps them to understand and participate in EU research programmes.

A new priority

Under FP6, launched in November 2002, funding for industrial research, including specific research in the field of aeronautics, is now provided under a number of ‘thematic priorities’ designed to support the creation of a European Research Area. Support for aeronautics, now grouped together with space research, follows on from the Growth Programme key action on New perspectives in aeronautics under the previous Framework Programme.

Project profiles provide updates on ongoing EU-funded research, focusing on Competitiveness, Environment, Safety and Capacity, while interviews will feature prominent members of the aeronautics and aerospace industries.

The ‘Aeronautics Research‘ website is now online.