Meeting on 12 December at the Agency’s headquarters in Paris, the ESA Council appointed Mr Ludwig Kronthaler, of German nationality, to the post of Director of Resources Management for a four-year term.

Mr Ludwig Kronthaler obtained a PhD in Law from the University of Augsburg in 1991.

He started his professional career with the Bavaria Finance Ministry’s tax administration, where he held several positions. From 1993 to 1997, he was ‘Regierungsdirektor’ (Bavarian representation) in Bonn and, from 1995, ‘Kanzler’ of the Munich Technical University, responsible in particular for resources, administration and organisation, human resources, controlling, procurement, legal affairs and facility management. He held that position until 2005. Since 2005, Mr Kronthaler has been Federal Judge at the Bundesfinanzhof in Munich (German High Court for tax and customs duty affairs).

Mr Kronthaler will take up his duties in April 2007 and will succeed Mr Hans Kappler, who will end his mandate on 31 May 2007.

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