New appointments have been recently made in the S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia Management.

At the present time, RSC Energia has drawn up a long-term development program for a period till 2015. The program involves the Corporation’s core business: manned space systems, automatic space systems and rocket systems.

By 2009 abready it is scheduled to increase two times manufacture and launches of rocket-space systems within all main lines of its activity due to broadening of the demand on international and national space markets.

The Corporation team faces the task of the Soyuz space vehicle modernization, development of new transportation reusable space systems, such as Clipper manned system and Parom cargo space system.

In perspective, the development of Lunar and Martian programs are outlined. In the field of automatic space systems, it is scheduled to expand the Yamal satellites cluster, create the Smotr and Polyarnaya Zvezda space systems.

Over the past two years, the economic situation in the Corporation has become stable. The Corporation performed well in 2006: its proceeds have increased by 38 % relative to those in 2005 and “net profit” has exceeded 500 million rubles. The year 2007 should see a further increase in the Corporation’s proceeds by 30 % as compared with those in 2006.

2006 the Corporation Management Board took the decision on an additional medical expenses insurance under RSC Energia’s social security program. Private Pension Plan becomes effective as of February 2, 2007 for the benefit of the Corporation employees. The expanded social security package gives an additional security to the elderly employees, who are resigning.

In order to implement long-term space programs it is necessary to promote young managers.

Following the discussion of the personnel problem at the Board of Management, the Corporation’s Management has resolved to accept the applications for resignation of the managers who were older than 65 years, namely: First Vice-President N.I. Zelenschikov; Vice-President V.N. Branets and Vice-President A.L. Martynovskiy.

Also it was resolved to make new appointments:

S.Yu. Romanov as Vice-President in charge of Manned Space Complexes (49 years); N.A. Brukhanov as Vice-President in charge of Advanced Projects (49 years); R.M. Samitov as Vice-President on Onboard and Ground Control Systems (50 years); S.K. Krikalev as Vice-President on Manned Flights (48 years).