NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Visitor Center in Greenbelt, Md., will host this month’s free Sunday Experiment on Sunday, March 17, from 1 to 3 p.m. EDT.

The Sunday Experiment will explore NASA’s Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM).
The Sunday Experiment is a free afternoon for children of all ages and their families to discover NASA Goddard’s exciting missions.

Sunday Experiment participants will discover hands-on activities and talk to a Landsat scientist about the new satellite and how it helps us here on Earth. Families will leave inspired by the activities, wowed by the scientists and engineers, and excited about NASA Goddard’s revolutionary research and technology. The Visitor Center’s mesmerizing Science on a Sphere explores the cosmos and Goddard’s cutting edge science and research.

LDCM is NASA’s eighth satellite in the Landsat series and continues Landsat’s critical role in monitoring, understanding and managing the resources needed for human sustainment. As our population surpasses 7 billion, the impact of human society on the planet’s resources such as food, water and forests increases. Landsat monitors those impacts as well as environmental changes.

NASA’s Earth-observing Landsat fleet has provided the world with detailed information on land cover changes and their effects since 1972. The knowledge gained from 40 years of continuous data contributes to research on climate, carbon cycle, ecosystems, water cycle, biogeochemistry and changes to Earth’s surface, as well as our understanding of visible human effects on land surfaces. The Landsat Data Continuity Mission just launched in February 2013.

Sunday Experiment celebrates all things science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and spotlights major science missions managed by NASA Goddard. Sunday Experiment is held the third Sunday of each month.

For more information on Sunday Experiment, visit NASA Goddard’s Visitor Center Web page:

For more information and directions to the NASA Goddard Visitor’s Center, visit: