The Boosting Spaceflight Underrepresented Research Equality (B-Sure) project is partnered with the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH) and part of its goal to improve diversity in space health research. Everyone has a part to play in improving diversity in our community.

Mentor Application

B-Sure is looking for experienced space biomedical research Mentors. Mentors will support this one-year program designed to increase the number of underrepresented researchers conducting space health research, engage with the broader space health community and participate in one (or more!) of the following activities:

  • One-on-one mentoring of B-SURE mentees (i.e., faculty and postdocs) with similar research interests
  • 3-day workshop with support of TRISH and NASA to educate mentees about space health priorities and grant mechanisms
  • Grant review mockup panels
  • Social activities with mentees in space health related conferences (e.g., ASGSR, HRP IWS)

To serve as a mentor, please fill out this short application.

Mentee Application

B-Sure has extended the deadline for those who want to apply to be a Mentee. Eligibility includes early or seasoned faculty and postdoctoral fellows who want to apply for space health research grants. Participants will engage by:

  • Attend the October 17-19, 2022 Orlando, Florida “Foundations of Funding” Workshop
  • One-on-one mentoring from an established investigator within the space health community
  • Funding to attend a national conference on space research

To apply, please fill out this short application. Deadline is September 30, 2022.

If you have any questions please email: