Is there any planet like Earth beyond our solar system?
If so, what might it teach us about Earth’s past and future?
NASA scientists will explore the topic and answer questions
from the public during a live webcast on Earth Day, Monday,
April 22, from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern time (11 a.m. to noon
Pacific time).

The panel will examine the conditions that make Earth a
habitable environment and discuss the possibility of Earth-
like planets around other stars. The scientists will discuss
what the discovery of such planets might teach us about Earth
and its environment.

The panelists represent the Origins and astrobiology
programs at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
They are:

— Dr. Victoria Meadows, leader of JPL’s astrobiology research
team, which is exploring the origin, evolution, distribution
and future of life in the universe

— Dr. Rolf Danner, research scientist for JPL’s planet-
finding missions

— Dr. Rachel Akeson, research scientist at the California
Institute of Technology in Pasadena; involved in the study of
planetary origins

— Dr. Karl Stapelfeldt, JPL Origins program research
scientist studying planets beyond our solar system

The panelists will take questions in real-time from
audiences at science museums around the country. Questions
from the public will be accepted via e-mail on the day of the
webcast, starting at 11 a.m. Eastern time (8 a.m. Pacific
time). E-mail questions should be sent to with Earth Day in the subject line.

The webcast, in Real Player format, will be available at . The Web site also includes
information, animation and interactive features explaining
JPL’s search for planets.

NASA’s Origins program, managed by JPL, includes a series
of missions to search for Earth-like planets around other
stars and answer the questions: Where did we come from? Are
we alone? More information on Origins is available at .

JPL is a division of the California Institute of
Technology in Pasadena.