Last Tuesday, May 18, Cassini officially entered the Saturn planetary system, where the gravitational pull of Saturn overtook the influence of the Sun and we crossed the outer limits of the most distant group of Saturnian moons.

In just two weeks, we will make our closest approach to Phoebe, the largest member of that population….perhaps a captured body from the asteroid belt or perhaps an interloper from the distant Kuiper Belt, beyond Pluto.

Events will soon come blindingly fast, and starting on Monday, May 24, the Cassini Imaging Team will be increasing the frequency of its postings of images for the enjoyment of scientists and members of the public alike.

Check out the Cassini Imaging Team website at…

Mondays through Fridays for a daily posting of the newest sights from Cassini. In the meantime, enjoy our latest view of Pandora and Prometheus and the F Ring.