News media representatives are invited to hear NASA scientists discuss key aspects of astrobiology research and technology development for the study of the origins, evolution and distribution of life in the universe.

The NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) will hold its biennial meeting April 10-14, 2005, at the Millennium Harvest House Hotel, Boulder, Colo. During the meeting, the members of NAI and its five international partners will participate in presentations, poster sessions, focus group discussions and informal meetings.

“Every two years, the institute meets as a community, and it is always an exciting event. Leading scientists in many different disciplines come together to strengthen existing collaborations and forge new partnerships,” said NAI Deputy Director Dr. Rosalind Grymes. “NAI members are focused on more than facts and findings. We are interested in understanding our work in context. That context includes the formation of stars and their planetary systems, life’s emergence on habitable worlds, and our own abilities to question, seek and reason about our origins, evolution and future,” she said.

“Astrobiology is an integral part of the Vision for Space Exploration. The results and directions discussed at this meeting will influence NASA’s future approaches to Earth and space sciences,” explained NAI Director Dr. Bruce Runnegar.

The meeting will be hosted by the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU). No prior registration or admission is required by the news media. Reporters should follow the signs at the entrance to a press check-in point to obtain a press badge. If interested in scheduling an interview in advance, please contact Emily CoBabe-Ammann of the CU Education and Public Outreach at:

For more information about astrobiology research and NAI’s meeting, visit: