Primary Sponsor: NASA Astrobiology Institute
Deadline: 1/15/2002

As part of its Research Associateship Programs, the National Research Council is offering NASA Astrobiology Institute postdoctoral awards. In the first year of the program (2000), six new Astrobiology Institute awards were made; in the second year (2001), six additional new awards were made. The Associateship Programs provide opportunities for Ph.D., Sc.D., or M.D. scientists and engineers of unusual promise and ability to perform research on problems largely of their own choosing yet compatible with the research interests of NASA and the member Astrobiology institutes. The applicant, in consultation with the prospective research adviser, will submit a concise research proposal which describes an innovative astrobiology research project.

Discipline Areas

The emerging field of Astrobiology is the scientific study of the origin, distribution, evolution, and future of life in the universe. It is interdisciplinary and is expected to include researchers with backgrounds in one or more of the following fields: biology, chemistry, genetics, geology, paleontology, astronomy, cosmology, and other scientific fields.


Education Requirements

Awardees must hold a Ph.D., Sc.D. or other earned research doctorate, or a M.D. degree with research experience. The Astrobiology awards are open only to recent doctorate recipients; the degree must have been earned within five years of the date of application (listed as Postdoctoral in the application materials).

Citizenship Requirements

The NASA Astrobiology Institute postdoctoral awards are open to citizens of the US and legal permanent residents. Awards also may be made to non-US nationals, though there may be restrictions on awards to citizens of countries whose policies have been determined to be inimical to US interests. Prospective non-US applicants who are uncertain of their eligibility are advised to contact the Associateship Programs office before submitting a formal application.

Stipend and Benefits

The base annual stipends for Astrobiology Associates begin at $45,000 for awardees who are within the first year of their Ph.D. degree date, with appropriately higher stipends for additional years of experience up to five years past the degree. The award initially is for one year, and potentially renewable.

Financial support is provided for allowable relocation expenses to the laboratory and for travel to one or two professional meetings per year. In addition, since the Institute-wide Astrobiology Associates are expected to interact widely within the total Institute, some expenses can be covered for visits to collaborate at other lead member institutions or Co-Investigator institutions.

The host institution provides the Astrobiology Associate with programmatic support including facilities, computer support, and necessary equipment. The applicant’s requirements should be discussed with the prospective mentor at the time the research proposal is submitted.

Applications and Information

Application materials can be obtained from the National Research Council Associateship Programs Web site. The application postmark deadline for the 2002 program will be January 15, 2002. The application should be postmarked by January 15 and received at the National Research Council by January 25, 2002. Application information, instructions, and forms can be obtained from the National Research Council Associateship Programs Web site at:

Additional information on the NASA Astrobiology Institute Associateships program can be obtained from:

Dr. Robert Manka, Associate Director, or
Ms. Sally Lytch, Applications Manager
National Research Council
Associateship Programs (TJ 2114/NAI)
2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20418


Telephone: (202) 334-2760
Fax: (202) 334-2759

Dr. Baruch Blumberg, Director, or
Dr. Edward Goolish, Science Projects Manager
NASA Astrobiology Institute
MS 240-1
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000<

Telephone: (650) 604-1961
Fax: (650) 604-4251

Qualified Applicants will be reviewed without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex or national origin.