What: On Saturday, Sept. 6, 2008, NASA’s Ames Research Center will hold the second “Return to the Moon Family Night” where visitors will have the opportunity to speak to scientists and engineers to learn more about the Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission. News media representatives and the public are invited to participate, and admission is free. Launching early next year, LCROSS will search for water ice in one of the moon’s permanently shadowed craters.

Family night will include hands-on activities and presentations by key NASA and space industry experts that will inform and engage families regarding NASA’s exciting new plans to explore the moon and destinations beyond.

Family-friendly activities and exhibits include: driving a rover through a lunar obstacle course, making and using spectroscopes, competing in a lunar trivia competition, launching paper rockets, demonstrating robotics and viewing the moon’s features through large amateur telescopes, weather permitting.

When: 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. PDT, Saturday, Sept. 6, 2008

  • 3 to 9 p.m. PDT: Family-friendly hands on activities
  • 4 to 5 p.m.: NASA Lunar Science and Engineering Forum
  • 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.: LCROSS Science and Mission Development Presentations
  • 7:30 to 10 p.m.: Lunar observation through large amateur telescopes.

Who: Speaking at the event will be S. Pete Worden, director, NASA Ames Research Center; David Morrison, acting director, NASA Lunar Science Institute; Daniel Andrews, LCROSS project manager; Anthony Colaprete, LCROSS principal investigator; Jennifer Heldmann, LCROSS observation campaign lead; Craig Elder, LCROSS spacecraft manager for Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, Calif., LCROSS spacecraft prime contractor.

Where: NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.

Driving Directions: To reach Ames, take U.S. Highway 101 to the Moffett Field, NASA Parkway exit and drive east towards the main gate. Media representative, please contact Jonas Dino at Jonas.Dino@nasa.gov or 650-207-3280 if you are interested in attending the event or requesting an interview with one of the event speakers. Onsite media sign-in will be located at the front desk of the Exploration Center (white tent located outside the man gate.)

For more information about the LCROSS mission to the moon, please visit:


For more information about the “Return to the Moon Family Night,” please visit:
