NanoRacks is pleased to be teamed with Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies (SGT) as a major on NASA’s Research, Engineering, Mission and Integration Services (REMIS) Contract which was just awarded to SGT. REMIS will be conducted as a multiple award Indefinite Delivery/ Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) type contract, which includes five Contract Line Item Number(s) (CLINS).

SGT was awarded three of the five CLINs in the categories of Engineering. Under this contract, the International Space Station Program will issue task orders to provide spaceflight hardware, software, mission integration and operations services on a commercial basis with minimal government involvement. The REMIS contract consists of a 5-year base period of performance and one 2- year option. The REMIS ceiling value is $500M including the option.

NanoRacks contributions will be managed out of their Houston office.

Read NASA’s announcement here.

Read SGT’s announcement here.