The Board of Chief Designers held a meeting at S.P.
Korolev Rocket Space Corporation Energia on 10 April 2001 – prime organization in RS
development for the ISS. The chairman of the meeting was Yu.P. Semenov,
Designer General of RSC Energia, Technical Manager of the manned programs,
Academician of the Russian Academy of Science.

The Board reviewed the results of the first phase of ISS manned flight
including main missions ISS-1, ISS-2 flights, proposals on the flight
program for the second phase including the main mission ISS-2 and visit
missions. The assessments of station state and manned Soyuz TM-32 cargo
vehicle preparation process and crew training are presented.

The chief designers, heads of cooperating organizations and Deputies
of RSC Energia Designer General after S.P. Korolev confirmed that there
is no constraints to proceed with the earlier approved program.

Michael Baker, the Head of NASA Office in Russia, made presentation
on the progress with the US Segment of ISS.

The Board of Chief Designers considered to be possible to proceed with
the final stage of manned Soyuz TM-32 cargo vehicle launch preparation
with visit crew onboard of Talgat Musabayev – crew leader, Yury Baturin
– onboard engineer, Denis Tito – researcher, which is scheduled for
April 28, 2001, regarding technical state of the ISS, readiness status
of a manned space vehicle and its launch vehicle, of Russian and American
ground facilities and the personnel and also readiness of the crews,
pointing out that there is no constraints to the launch of the manned
space vehicle.